Tuesday, July 04, 2006

...and you wonder why Iraqis hate us...

First we bomb the crap out of the civilians, then we rape and murder them! I need to get out of this country.

For good info on what's *actually* going on in Iraq, check this site: Dahr Jamail Iraq. He's an independent US journalist who was embedded in Iraq for 8 months, and he still maintains lots of local contacts there. This is what the mainstream media does not show you.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Paper Chase

Never heard this band before..I picked it up last time I was in Olympia; just listened to it today.

EVIL. It is SO EVIL! If you can get into it, it's frickin' amazing, and it's pretty accessible. The production is done by the singer/guitarist, John Congleton, and he does a great job - this album is incredibly well-produced. Nearly all the tracks have a depth to them that becomes clearer upon each successive listen. He also has a really interesting guitar style - plays this sliding, stabbing, unsteady madness.

Download this track and then buy the album from KRS!

We Know Where You Sleep (mp3)

official site