TILL, uh, till...6 in the mo'nin'? Am I allowed to do that? Nevermind. I realized that despite being all ready for bed, I don't really wanna sleep yet. I'm gonna eat oatmeal and listen to music and dick around on the web instead.
Lately, I've been able to do pretty much what I want, when I want. This is the joy of being an EMAC major. If I don't feel like doing homework, usually I don't have to. Only when it comes down to the wire, and so far it's been mostly easy. I pull a few all-nighters, but I kind of enjoy it. It's totally fucking rad, because I'm just enjoying life, and learning when I want to. Which is what I want to be doing.
I was talking to my friend Laura (the female one) today at lunch, and I ended up preaching the Jesse gospel like I sometimes do. Something about how if you try to stress out about things as little as possible, life is great. An event is not innately good or bad in itself, it's only how you react to it. The point is that you are the only person that determines your happiness. This I truly believe. I mean, yeah, sometimes it's really hard to react well to certain situations, but if you get the chance, stop and take a step back. Ask yourself "Is this really worth getting pissed off/sad about?"
Then, on the other hand, you can take Wes' point of view, which I agree with from an intellectual standpoint but can't seem to put into practice, which is that no *emotion* is innately good or bad, and thus each should be embraced equally. Something to try, for sure!
Anyway, have a good one y'all. Music = life. My latest project is called (let's get a name for us) with John McGill and you'll hear it in a bit. Out!
The Symptoms - "A Night Without" |

p.s. HERE'S A PICTURE! That's Jamie and me at WRPI. Yup. Radio rocks.
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